This tree species belongs to the MALVACEAE family and was described by the German botanist and researcher Martius in his book from the year 1826 entitled "Nova Genera et Species Plantarum Brasiliensium". This species has a fairly large area extending from the south of the USA to Argentina. In Brazil it is found in several forest formations. The tree reaches a height of up to 25 meters with a trunk diameter of 60 centimeters. Its timber is used for various things, amongst others in the manufacture of furniture. The Açoita-Cavalo is widely used in popular medicine in Brazil as the bark contains anti-inflammatory substances and is suitable in the treatment of rheumatism and inflammations of the throat.
The leaves of this tree are quite hairy on the underside. The flower is white to pink with the flowers of this species melliferous. From this, medicinal honey is produced with expectorant properties. The tree is very robust and can occupy new areas as a pioneer, having the advantage of being able to survive well in dry environments and also in temporarily soaked soils. It is found frequently along rivers, with its planting being therefore recommended in areas of permanent preservation.